Farmer’s Markets Around Philadelphia

Everyone knows food tastes better when it’s fresh and locally sourced, but living in an urban environment makes it difficult to come across such luxuries. Here’s three farmer’s markets around Philadelphia that can help satisfy your fresh food desires.

Clark Park Farmer’s Market 

Open year-round, this farmer’s market boasts not only produce vendors, but also specialty vendors that sell soup, cider, canned goods, chai, meat, seafood, and eggs. Clark Park Farmer’s Market is presented by The Food Trust, a nonprofit aiming to provide healthy food for low income residents and residents of food deserts. Come on a Saturday between 10-2, bring your pets and your family, and shop to your heart’s desire.


Fitler Square Farmer’s Market

Each Saturday from 9-2, residents and visitors of Southwest Center City will see a classic farm stand pop up, taking up less than a block adjacent to Fitler Square on 23rd Street. Aside from produce, you can also find fair trade coffee, baked goods and bread, and seafood at Fitler Square Farmer’s Market.


Greensgrow Farms

Greensgrow Farm is a community favorite of Port Richmond residents – people love their nursery, but its CSA program and farm stand really make it shine. The farm stand sells produce grown on the farm, as well as locally sourced dairy and seafood, and novelty products such as vinegar, hot sauce, tea, coffee, and canned goods. Greensgrow also offers a variety of events, including monthly community kitchen events and collaborations with local restaurants.


Honorable mentions:

East Falls Farmers’ Market, located under the Route 1 overpass at Kelly Drive and North Ferry Road, open Saturdays 10-2 starting June 3rd.

Headhouse, located at 2nd and Lombard Streets, open seasonally on Sundays 10-2

Rittenhouse Farmer’s Market, located year-round at 18th and Walnut Streets from 9-3 on Saturdays


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