Ismael’s Boutique – Clothes with a Cause

Meet Ismael Jamillo, an emerging fashion entrepreneur whose hustle and hardwork has brought him all the way to South Philadelphia, PA; where he owns a Boutique selling women’s wear and men’s wear clothing. His Ecuadorian background has allowed his creative inspiration to flow through his design choices when bringing new pieces into the store. He explained that when he was getting his documentation to come here he was approached by a little boy, asking for “un suclay”, which is the equivalent to one penny in the United States, to buy his mother and new born sister a loaf bread.
Jamillo stated: “There’s a lot of poverty, kids are hungry and forget about what they’re going through. To know what they are going through to see those things first hand is extremely difficult, I know being here has shown me that I am very fortunate. I felt that since I have this bridge to be able to help you know, why not… if there’s a little bit of extra money why not.” So he started donating proceeds back to his school that he went to growing up in Ecuador.
Ismael’s story helps him connect with potential buyers – not only because of his clothing but on an emotional level as well.
Photo and text by Mylene Marlin